Rick Hansen Foundation Inclusion & Accessibility Training


Ignite pos­i­tive change with this inter­ac­tive one-hour online course from the Rick Hansen Foun­da­tion (RHF), fea­tur­ing lead­ers in inclu­sion and acces­si­bil­i­ty, and peo­ple with lived experience. This self-direct­ed on-demand course fea­tures a per­son-cen­tered approach to cre­at­ing wel­com­ing spaces for peo­ple with dis­abil­i­ties so they live, work and play inde­pen­dent­ly, safe­ly and with dignity.

1 Course | On-demand | Approx. 1 hour | Co-branded Badge & Certificate | Fully Online


You will:

  • Recognize and understand the broader impacts of disabilities in the community.
  • Build confidence in communicating and interacting effectively with individuals with disabilities.
  • Implement strategies for creating physically and virtually inclusive spaces.
  • Apply the Inclusion Diversity Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) framework to real-world scenarios. 


  • Individuals seeking to increase their awareness and skills in accessibility and inclusion.
  • Organizations aiming to enhance their accessibility practices and culture.
  • Anyone interested in contributing to a more inclusive society.
  • Fully online, on-demand course from the Rick Hansen Foundation, in partnership with the University of Alberta.
  • The course will be graded based on a final quiz.
  • Once you have registered and paid for the course, you will have 6 months from that date to complete it.
  • This one-hour course is composed of three modules; each module has video content from those with lived experience in inclusion and access.
  • No admission requirements are necessary. Enroll at your convenience to start your journey in accessibility and inclusion.
  • Note: This pro­gram is offered as a col­lab­o­ra­tion between the Uni­ver­si­ty of Alberta’s depart­ment of Online Learn­ing and Con­tin­u­ing Edu­ca­tion and the Rick Hansen Foundation.
  • This pro­gram is non-cred­it and does not count towards a Uni­ver­si­ty of Alber­ta diplo­ma or cer­tifi­cate pro­gram. It will not impact your GPA and you will not see it on your tran­script. 
  • If you want to pur­chase mul­ti­ple seats for your staff, enter the seats you require and con­tin­ue with your pur­chase. Con­tact cpe@​ualberta.​ca for any questions.
  • View Terms and Con­di­tions for cours­es and certificates here.

Automatically receive your certification and digital badge upon completing the modules and quiz through the Brightspace system. You will receive a co-branded Certificate and Digital Badge from the Rick Hansen Foundation and the University of Alberta in Inclusion and Accessibility Training. This credential is a testament to your commitment to creating inclusive environments.


Open to all international students with no differential course fees. A stable internet connection and proficient English are required for full participation. 



To learn more about accessibility, please visit Brightspace Accessibility Standards for the learning environment are available via Accessibility Standards | D2L. The course has been developed in Articulate Rise. To learn more about accessibility with this tool, please visit Rise 360 Accessibility Conformance Report, and to learn more about Keyboard Navigation, visit Rise 360: Keyboard-Accessible Navigation. We strive to make our courses as accessible as possible, but if you have any concerns or questions, please contact cpe@ualberta.ca.

System Requirements

This course is delivered on RHF Portal, which is the University of Alberta’s Partner Learning Space, Brightspace by D2L. For more information about system requirements, go to Browser Support for Brightspace to understand the system requirements for optimal performance.


Protection of Privacy - Personal information provided is collected in accordance with Section 33(c) of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the FOIP Act) and will be protected under Part 2 of that Act. Your personal information such as your name, contact information, and completion will be shared with the Rick Hansen Foundation. Should you require further information about the collection, use and disclosure of personal information, please contact the Registrar's office: enrolmentservices@ualberta.ca.

If you have any questions, email us at cpe@ualberta.ca.

Please make sure to read our Terms and Conditions

This course is offered in collaboration with the Rick Hansen Foundation.

RHF Logo
