Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification™ Fundamentals Training


Intended for anyone interested in creating inclusive spaces, this 4-week course provides learners with foundational knowledge to understand the needs of people with disabilities and how our physical spaces can be made more accessible.

Enhance your knowledge and application of Universal Design and meaningful accessibility through case studies. Learners will also be introduced to Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification™ (RHFAC), a rating and recognition program that measures the meaningful accessibility of a site. There are no prerequisites to take this course. Join us on the journey towards an accessible world for people of all ages and abilities. 

Details and registration for the fall sessions coming soon. 
September 9 - October 4, 2024

Virtual Sessions

Check back soon for details 


Virtual Coach

Check back soon for details.

This course is offered in partnership with the Rick Hansen Foundation.

Unavailable at this time.